Incoming Calls

HTTP Post from CallAPI to your web server

Once you have the Incoming Call URL set, the web calls will come in normal HTTP post variables as displayed below. POST Objects - Incoming Post Request - New Incoming Call

POST fields in readable format:
    [CallSid]       => IDfbf7e812ere32hfhfg6e10-Cd5dacca0c-CA9d3572be-9f7a-11ea-97f4-5ffeb3239325
    [InstanceId]    => ID242258723hHds8fh29G4569b66e10
    [AccountSid]    => AC06bc1hjh293hFH9edjJ23539a9ddb1
    [From]          => 3035550000
    [To]            => 8044731212
    [CallStatus]    => ringing OR completed OR failed OR in-progress OR no-answer
    [ApiVersion]    => 2012-04-24
    [Direction]     => inbound
    [CallerName]    => 3035550000
    [ForwardedFrom] => null
    [CallTimestamp] => 2020-05-26T17:59:16.555Z
    [PostStatus]    => callback OR new

POST Objects - Status Update from an Outbound Call

    [CallSid]           => ID242253601re32hfhfg6e10-CAceda56a709534034ae7c0e3a304b4d96
    [InstanceId]        => ID242258723hHds8fh29G4569b66e10
    [AccountSid]        => AC06bc1hjh293hFH9edjJ23539a9ddb1
    [From]              => 8044735555
    [To]                => 3035551212
    [CallStatus]        => in-progress
    [ApiVersion]        => 2012-04-24
    [Direction]         => outbound-api
    [CallerName]        => 8044735896
    [ForwardedFrom]     => null
    [CallTimestamp]     => 2020-05-26T17:29:55.125Z
    [VoicemailDetector] => voicemail [or] person_found

3.4.1 Post Fields - Incoming Calls

Incoming Call Actions

Once a call has been posted to your server, you can use the API Call Markup Language to process requests. A quick example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say voice="woman">Please hold while your call is connceted</Say>

Click here to view the Markup Language documentation.

Last updated