Listing Calls

Listing and Searching Call History

A Call represents a connection between a phone or user agent and the platform. This may be inbound or outbound. The Calls list resource represents the set of phone calls originated and terminated from an account. This section will focus on only using HTTP POST functions.

Section URI

List all calls



List an individual call


Standard Request Parameters

Pagination Request Parameters

None of the pagination requests are required

POST or GET Requests

Send us a request to list the calls for today or search for specific calls

Searching your calls can include POST or GET variables From, To, Sid or Limit.

curl -X POST \
   -d 'From=17207741111' \
   -d 'To=13038927627' \
   -d 'PageSize=1000 \
   -u '239h2g-23h9-239f23hf:AC021d7d7d49d3234r34t3ea3769b9ed7'

Calls Attributes in Response

Get call details

Example JSON Responses

Here is what the JSON will look like when there are multiple calls vs a single call

  "sid": "IDf0cbf85b95df45deb3cb404235e7c26e-CA9a2229464e2843dd84903313b5680714",
  "InstanceId": "IDf0cbf85b95df45deb3cb404235e7c26e",
  "date_created": "Wed, 4 Sep 2024 00:26:56 +0000",
  "date_updated": "Wed, 4 Sep 2024 00:27:03 +0000",
  "account_sid": "AC025S7d7d49d7f923432552ea3769b9ed7",
  "to": "1303666627",
  "from": "1720444493",
  "status": "in-progress",
  "start_time": "2024-09-04T00:27:03.381Z",
  "duration": 0,
  "price_unit": "USD",
  "direction": "outbound-api",
  "answered_by": "1303666627",
  "api_version": "2012-04-24",
  "caller_name": "1720444493",
  "uri": "/call/2012-04-24/Accounts/AC025S7d7d49d7f923432552ea3769b9ed7/Calls/IDf0cbf85b95df45deb3cb404235e7c26e-CA9a2229464e2843dd84903313b5680714.json",
  "ring_duration": 3,
  "subresource_uris": {
    "notifications": "/call/2012-04-24/Accounts/AC025S7d7d49d7f923432552ea3769b9ed7/Calls/IDf0cbf85b95df45deb3cb404235e7c26e-CA9a2229464e2843dd84903313b5680714/Notifications.json",
    "recordings": "/call/2012-04-24/Accounts/AC025S7d7d49d7f923432552ea3769b9ed7/Calls/IDf0cbf85b95df45deb3cb404235e7c26e-CA9a2229464e2843dd84903313b5680714/Recordings.json"

Last updated