
Recordings are created when you use the verb. Recordings are hosted with callapi for you to retrieve. The Recordings list resource represents the set of an account’s recordings.

7.6.1 Recording List Resource URI


Unlike the Recording instance resource described above, the list of recordings IS protected by your account credentials like most parts of this API. You must use HTTP basic auth to access the Recordings list resource.*

HTTP GET. Returns a list of all the Recording resources for this Account, including the properties above. HTTP DELETE Deletes a recording that belongs to this Account.

The audio file is named using the RecordingSid and a file extension of .wav.

The URLs that contain the actual audio recordings are accessible by everyone without the need to authenticate with callapi. This is per design to allow for your apps to easily access the recordings without revealing your credentials. The same is NOT true for the resource to retrieve the list of recordings. Unauthenticated users cannot access the RecordingSid and hence not able to download the actual recording.


Warning: Although Recording Sids in Recording URLs are essentially long random strings that are very difficult to guess, you still need to make sure that they don’t fall in the wrong hands.

Resource Properties




A string that uniquely identifies a recording.


The date that the recording was created.


The date that the recording was last updated.


The unique id of the Account that created the recording.


The unique id of the call during which the recording was made.


The length of the recording, in seconds.


The API version in use during the recording.


The URI for this account, relative to


The File URI for this recording, relative to It can be used to access the WAV file

Supported Operations

HTTP GET. Returns the representation of a Recording resource, including the properties above.

HTTP DELETE. Removes the recording from the account.

Recording List Resource URI

There is two types of tokens: Call API SID Token and API Token; both must be used.

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