Get List of Recordings

HTTP GET or POST. The query string parameters allow you to limit the list returned. Note: parameters are case-sensitive

Request Parameters

None of the request parameters are required.



The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0. 0-20000


How many items are on each page 0-2000


Only show recordings that were made on this date/time or later EndTime value examples allowed: 2024-04-01T10:10:10 2024-04-01 10:10:10 2024-04-01


Only show recordings that were made on this date/time or earlier EndTime value examples allowed: 2024-04-01T10:10:10 2024-04-01 10:10:10 2024-04-01


Only show recordings that have been started from this CallSid Value: CallSid=h923fh2h32fj23f2


Sort by the date created instead of the most recent on top Value: DateCreated or DateAsc

Filter using the CallSid parameter.

The following example will only return Recordings that have been started from the given CallSid

curl -X POST
   -d 'CallSid=CAfe9ce46f104f5beeb10c83a5dad2be66' \
   -d 'StartTime=2024-04-02 00:00:00'
   -d 'EndTime=2024-04-02 10:00:00'
   -d 'SortBy=DateCreated'
   -u 'API_Token:account_sid'

The result will be similar to the one below

            "date_created":"Mon, 6 Jan 2024 08:51:07 +0900",
            "date_updated":"Mon, 6 Jan 2024 08:51:07 +0900",
            "date_standard":"2024-01-06 08:51:07",

Last updated